At Pontefract Academies Trust we are committed to delivering a curriculum which is broad, balanced, inspiring and relevant for the 21st Century. We have ensured that our curriculum is fully inclusive to all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
The Equalities Act 2010 states, ‘…schools will need to ensure that the way in which issues are taught does not subject individual pupils to discrimination.’ Teachers plan lessons that are personalised to their cohort. As a Trust our curriculum is quality assured by teachers and leaders from all our schools to ensure pupils can thrive from an educational and personal perspective. Our children learn about issues such as, discrimination, victimisation, and the importance of treating people equally. Through PSHE lessons, themed events (such as Black History Month, International Women’s Day etc) and whole school assemblies we educate our pupils on the importance of not making judgements or showing prejudice based on the protected characteristics identified in The Equalities Act 2010 (which include gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation).
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Regulations 2014 sets out clear parameters for how schools should assess, address, and review the needs of its pupils, in particular those with special educational needs and disabilities. Our curriculum is designed in a way that allows our teachers to accurately assess pupils’ progress in all subjects, and from this, identify individual needs for all pupils so we can plan how best to support them to make excellent progress. As a Trust we are compliant in terms of the expectations set out regarding reviewing the needs and provision for our pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. To find out more about how each of the primary schools within our Trust support children with special educational needs and disabilities please refer to the SEND/Local Offer page on each of the individual primary school websites.
We consider that our curriculum offer and the high standards of teaching we insist upon, will contribute to outstanding learning and achievement of our pupils. We strive in all aspects of school life to develop our pupils and prepare them for the next stage of their education. Our curriculum enables children within our Trust to be successful and creative lifelong learners who are determined to make a positive contribution to the world they live in.